CSF currently uses two mailing list servers, listproc version 8.2 and majordomo version 2. One of our long range plans is to move many of CSF's mailing lists from listproc to majordomo. This page compares the features available to list subscribers for both list servers.

In the commands below, if a word appears in italics and capitalized, you will need to replace it with the appropriate value. For example, wherever you see LIST, you will need to substitute the name of one of CSF's mailing lists. Listproc commands should be sent to listproc@csf.colorado.edu, and majordomo commands should be sent to majordomo@csf.colorado.edu. Always put the commands in the body of the message; commands in the Subject: line will be ignored.
How do I... Listproc command Majordomo command
subscribe to a mailing list subscribe LIST YOUR_NAMEsubscribe LIST
leave a mailing list permanently unsubscribe LISTunsubscribe LIST
leave a mailing list temporarily set LIST mail postponeset LIST nomail
return from a temporary absence to the previous mode of delivery Not available set LIST mail
receive messages one-at-a-time set LIST mail ack set LIST each
receive messages in a MIME digest set LIST mail digestset LIST digest-mime
receive messages in a plain text digest set LIST mail digest-nomimeset LIST digest-text
receive a summary of messages in a digest, rather than the messages themselves Not Availableset LIST digest-index
find out which lists are available on this server listslists
change the address of my subscription set LIST address OLD_ADDRESS PASSWORD NEW_ADDRESS changeaddr OLD_ADDRESS
enable your other addresses to post messages to a mailing list Not Availablealias NEW_ADDRESS
hide my address from the other subscribers set LIST conceal yesset LIST hideall
find out to which lists I'm subscribed whichshow
leave all of the lists to which I'm subscribed purgeunregister
change my password set LIST password OLD_PASSWORD NEW_PASSWORD password NEW_PASSWORD
obtain a list of documents related to a mailing list index LISTindex-long LIST
obtain archives of older messages which were distributed to a mailing list get LIST ARCHIVE_FILE get LIST ARCHIVE_FILE

For the sake of security, majordomo will ask for confirmation from people who use the "subscribe" or "set" command. The confirmation message has the word "CONFIRM" in the subject header, and contains instructions for confirming. Basically, if you agree, reply to the confirmation message and put only the word

in the body of the message. The confirmation step can be skipped if you use your majordomo password, for example:
  approve PASSWORD set LIST nomail-10d
For more information on passwords, see the passwords section in the list owner summary.

Our page on special features for majordomo subscribers has more details about digests, going on vacation, and other options.
